3 min

Adam and Joe’s work experience at The Lion Pub in Waddesdon

Adam and Joe started working at The Lion in Waddesdon as part of work experience, and are now both paid chefs at the pub. Matthew Webster, Head Chef and Manager of The Lion, reveals how Adam and Joe have developed and the qualities they bring to the workplace.

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Dan, Matt and Thomas's work experience at De Vere Venues Latimer in Chesham

Dan, Matt and Thomas are all close to completing their supported internship at De Vere Latimer House Hotel. Christie Lavery, Head of Support...

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Matthew Day's apprenticeship at Buckinghamshire Council

In November 2020, the Skills Hub aired a live broadcast into special schools to showcase the many organisations in Buckinghamshire who can h...

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Bucks New University works closely with a number of NHS Trusts and independent care partners to provide clinical experience for our student...

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"My degree will be incredibly valuable to me in my future endeavours" - Daria Ermolenko

I decided to study at the University of Buckingham because the idea of small group teaching really appealed to me...

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