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FREE Advice and Guidance

What's right for me - student flyer 2022


What's right for me 2022 - thrid page


Dear Headteachers, Careers Leaders and Heads of Sixth Form

‘What’s right for me?: fully-funded 1:1 careers guidance for GCSE and A-level students in Buckinghamshire

We have been given extra funding by the Careers & Enterprise Company (through the Department for Education) to provide young people finishing Key Stages 4 and 5 this summer with 1:1 careers information, advice and guidance. We’re now asking you to publicise this free support to your students and parents after A-level and GCSE results days – and to put individuals who you know need specific help in touch with us. You are also able to book days with Adviza for next term.

We want to assist young people by providing local support to help them navigate the many paths available to them: from higher and further education to training, apprenticeship to employment. Above all, we want to help them understand what’s right for each of them as individuals.

  • What? Bucks Skills Hub’s ‘What’s right for me?’ programme provides individual careers guidance for students who need extra support to decide on their next step. One-to-one support will be offered by a Level 6-trained, Enhanced DBS-checked careers adviser employed by Bucks Skills Hub.

  • Who? Young people from schools in Buckinghamshire finishing Key Stages 4 and 5 this summer (or up to age 25 with a special educational need or disability, or looked after children).

  • When? The additional support will be available from August 2022 to 31 December 2022. Careers Leaders should continue to publicise this service throughout the Autumn term, targeting young people you feel are at risk of not returning in January.

  • Why? Our aim is to reduce the numbers of young people who have left Key Stage 4 or 5 in 2022 and have no appropriate intended destination or September Guarantee offer by the end of August 2022. We also aim to reduce those who have a ‘not known’ or NEET destination by the end of October 2022.

I have attached a flyer to share with your students and on your social media channels. Please do send this out to everyone in Years 11 and 13 and forward this email on to the heads of years and form tutors. A black and white version has been provided for you to print and include in results envelopes.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Marina Jackon

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