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#10000BlackInterns is a programme devised to support young Black people into paid internships to enhance their career success, for a minimum of six weeks over the summer period.


During their first year of operation, they partnered with 200 Investment Management firms for placements over summer 2021. The success of this inaugural campaign was measured from the following:

  • 450 offers were made from 200 firms.

  • The majority of firms doubled their initial commitments of one internship and hired an average of two interns each with some even hiring up to 18 interns at one time. 

  • 42% of applications were from those identifying as female v 44% of the offers that were given – this was double the normal rate of 20% female worked in Investment Management. 

  • 59% of applications were from students from Non- Russell Group Universities vs 38% of offers given. 

Due to this success, even more companies have got involved for the 2022 cycle and derive from varying sectors including; accountancy, engineering, marketing, technology and many more. Not only do the companies involved provide paid work experience, but they also give critical training and development opportunities to their respective interns in the field in which they have chosen to focus on. Upon applying, candidates choose three sectors of interest and Applications will then be distributed proportionally amongst participating firms based on the internships they are offering and the applications received


In order to be eligible to apply, candidates need to be Black African, Black Caribbean and/or Black British and aged 18 or over. Candidates who have completed their A levels and are on a gap year with the intention of undertaking higher education are eligible as well as students who are currently studying at university.


See more details, including FAQ’s here. The next round of applications for Summer 2022 closes in November 2021.

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